Mr. Holloway, in 2013 I attended your class in Baton Rouge, Louisana. A couple of weeks after attending your class, I assisted in the execution of a narcotics related search warrant in which a safe with an electronic lock was located. It was believed that narcotics may be concealed in the safe. It was the same type electronic lock that you discussed in class. I called you by phone and asked for your assistance. After briefly describing the situation, you gave me directions, which resulted in the successful opening of the safe. Inside was found a large amount of diverted prescription medication, cash and a pistol. This case resulted in the arrest of a long time prescription drug dealer who was responsible for ruining countless lives. The evidence seized led to a successful prosecution and incarceration of the dealer. My fellow deputies were amazed that I could open the safe so easily. Thank you for your assistance. – Alden T.